About Me

Well, where should I begin?

I’m Yuri1, I am a Dutch student and tech-enthousiast. I spend my time experimenting with for example virtualization, servers, that kind of stuff (IT / ICT).

Due to this interest I will probably aim for a degree in system administration or something I(C)T related at least. Though medicine is an option too (as I am pretty intrigued by biology too. Heck, maybe I’ll combine the 2 :P).

Furthermore, I also just enjoy playing games and listening to music but also making music :)2 I mainly make music digitally (assisted by a Launchpad MK2), though I have played the drums for a solid few years now and I am also trying to improve my piano skills.

For what (computer) devices I use, you can look here.


  1. not the anime / manga name… fyi.  

  2. for that, check out my Youtube channel or Spotify